Tag: Notification System

Blackboard Connect Notification System

BlackBoard Connect Logo

Did you not know that the village would ticket if you are parked on the street after a 2″ snow fall?

Did you not know that garbage pickup is delayed one day due to the holiday?

Did you hear about an event after it was too late?

Would you like to be notified when something is happening in your town that would be of interest to you?

Did you not know that you needed a vehicle sticker for your vehicle?

You can sign up for Blackboard Connect, the Village of Maple Park’s notification system, and receive phone calls, texts or emails. Click here to sign up for Blackboard Connect. If you have problems with this link, please call the village office at (815) 827-3309 and we can get you added.

Or you can email the village clerk at villageclerk@villageofmaplepark.com. If you would like to update your information you can also contact the village office and we can get your information updated.