E-Pay:Click here to pay your water bill by credit/debit card or e-check. E-pay charges a percentage to use a credit/debit card, but using an e-check only costs 50 cents. The village does not receive any of this fee.
Auto Debit: Auto Debit is a free service where the village charges your bank account on the due date. You still receive a bill, but it tells you what day it will come out of your account. Complete the
Auto Debit Form (5324 downloads )
, and return to the village office with a voided check.
Mail your payment: You may mail your payment to P.O. Box 220, Maple Park, IL, 60151. However, the village does not account for mail received after the due date even if you mailed it very early.
In-Person: You can pay your bill at the village office located at 302 Willow Street, Maple Park. Office hours are Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday 9:00 a.m. to Noon, and Tuesdays 3:00 p.m. to 7 p.m.
Drop Box: We have a drop box next to the front door at village hall. The drop box is emptied Monday through Friday. We suggest that you do not leave cash in the drop box.