New Residents


image of maple leaf
We're glad you're here Clip ArtBelow is some information that we thought you might be interested in. Please feel free to call the village office at (815) 827-3309 if you should have any questions.

New Resident Packet October 2024


Did you just move in and need to put your water/sewer bill in your name? You can complete the Final Water Bill Request Card (2251 downloads ) , and mail it to the Village of Maple Park, P.O. Box 220, Maple Park, IL, 60151, or you can email it to the Village Clerk.


Garbage day is Wednesday in Maple Park:

Garbage Service
Picture of Recycling BinGarbage service is provided by Waste Management, and is billed directly from Waste Management. One garbage cart and one recycling cart is provided to each residence. If you move in and find that there is not one of each of these, please contact Waste Management at (800) 964-8988.


Vehicle Stickers are required in Maple Park:

Vehicle Stickers
Car Clip Art
Every vehicle registered to an address in Maple Park is required to have a vehicle sticker. Vehicle Stickers are $30 per vehicle and are due May 31st of each year.Vehicle stickers help offset the cost of maintaining the streets in Maple Park. New residents have 30 days to purchase their vehicle sticker(s).

Vehicle sticker info-application March 2024

Golf Carts & Utility Terrain Vehicles

Golf Cart Clip ArtAll persons operating a golf cart or a utility terrain vehicle on the streets under the jurisdiction of the Village of Maple Park must ensure compliance with the following requirements:

The requirements are as follows:

  1. Proof of Liability Insurance – Driver must carry it with the vehicle at all times
  2. Valid Driver’s License
  3. Age Requirement – Driver must be age 18 or older
  4. Registration with the Village of Maple Park
  5. Required Equipment:
    • Brakes and brake lights;
    • A steering apparatus;
    • Tires;
    • Rearview mirror;
    • Approved “slow moving vehicle” emblem on the rear of the vehicle;
    • Headlight that emits a white light visible from a distance of at least 500 feet;
    • Taillamp that emits a red light visible from a distance of at least 100 feet;
    • Any additional requirements which may be required by the Illinois Compiled Statutes, as amended.
  6. Occupants: The maximum number of occupants in such vehicles shall be deemed to correspond with the total number of seats available on the particular vehicle.
  7. Golf Carts and Utility Terrain Vehicles require the following seating requirements. All children under the age of 13 must be securely fastened with a seat belt while the vehicle is in operation. Children that are unable to sit up on their own with a seat belt, must be secured in a proper child safety seat.
  8. If the vehicle is not equipped with a turn signal, the operator of the vehicle will use current accepted hand signals to signal turning.

Golf Cart Forms 041124

Water / Sewer Service

Water faucet clip artThe Village of Maple Park provides water / sewer service for its residents. Water service and Sewer service is billed every two months and is due on the last day of the month.  New residents should contact the Village Office when they move in to get their name on the water bill.

The Village of Maple Park accepts cash, checks, money orders, and cashiers checks. You can pay in person, mail your payment or drop it in the drop box at Village Office. Residents can also pay for their water / sewer with an e-check, or a credit / debit card using the E-Pay link on the website.

Plants, Grass & Weeds

Picture of a Lawn Mower with grassThe Village of Maple Park has an ordinance that regulates grass, plants and weeds. But, if you don’t know about it, you probably won’t be in compliance. The village wants to work with you as a property owner to keep your lot looking nice.  Please look over the code and familiarize yourself with it.

Burning PermitsBon Fire Clip Art

The Village of Maple Park requires residents to apply for a burning permit if they are going to have any type of fire on their property. This permit is free of charge and the Fire Chief will come to your property to approve the site where the fire will be. Burning Permit Application (2711 downloads )

Building Permits

bldg permit clip artBuilding Permits are required for most things that you do to your home. This includes but is not limited to:  fences, windows, decks, roofs, basement remodels, sheds. You can get more information by calling the village office at (815) 827-3309. You can submit your building permit application via email, in person at 302 Willow Street, Maple Park, or by mail to Village of Maple Park, P.O. Box 220, Maple Park, IL, 60151.

PaymentsDollar Sign Clip Art

Payments for water/sewer bills, vehicle stickers, tickets, etc., can be paid online on our website through the E-Pay link, or in person at 302 Willow Street, Maple Park, or you can mail your payment to P.O. Box 220, Maple Park, IL, 60151. We accept cash, checks, and credit/debit cards for all payments. Do you want to have your water/sewer bill deducted from your account? You can complete the [Auto Debit Form for website updt 10.24], attach a copy of a voided check, and mail it to the Village of Maple Park, P.O. Box 220, Maple Park, IL, 60151, or you can email it to the Village Clerk.

Emergency Notification System

Our Emergency Notification System calls, texts, or emails you in case of an emergency, and also when there are things going on village staff feel the residents need to know about quickly. You can sign up for this system, by going to the main page on the village’s website. Click on the Blackboard Connect link. You can also email the Village Clerk, and she will sign you up.

The Maple Park Board of Trustees meet on the 1st Tuesday of every month at 7 p.m., at the Civic Center, located at 302 Willow Street, Maple Park.

The Maple Park Board of Trustees also have Committee of the Whole meetings on the 3rd Tuesday of every month at 7 p.m. at the Civic Center, located at 302 Willow Street, Maple Park.


Agendas are posted the Thursday before each meeting. You will find the agenda on our website and posted on the bulletin board at the front door of the Civic Center.

Contact the Board:

Suzanne Fahnestock, Village President

Tonia Groezinger, Trustee

Hillary Joy, Trustee

JT Peloso, Trustee

David “Chris” Simon, Trustee

Cliff Speare, Trustee

Jen Ward, Trustee


Contact the Staff:

Lou Larson, Building Inspector

Scot Johnson, Public Works Director

Randy Endean, Police Chief

Karen Clifton, Police Sergeant

Cheryl Aldridge, Village Administrator

Shannon Warford, Village Treasurer

Village Clerk