Special Events

    1. The Village of Maple Park recently approved a Special Events Ordinance.  Special events are defined as,  but not limited to, festivals, block parties, concerts, beer gardens, races, 1K/5K/10K races, bicycle time trials, bikeathons, fireworks, biathlons, parades, marches, fundraisers, circuses, carnivals, concerts, car shows, sidewalk sale, farmers’ markets, food trucks, sales or promotional events, Christmas tree lots, ice cream/snow cone stands, and other special events in the Village.
    2. Block parties do not have to pay the $25.00 application fee; however, a barricade deposit of $50.00 per barricade (usually four (4) barricades are brought over).  The Village will hold the check or cash and if the barricades are returned undamaged, the deposit is refunded.
    3. All other events must pay the $25.00 application fee
    4. If interested in a Special Events, please review and complete the Special Event Application and provide the requested map, forms and if applicable, Certificate of Insurance with proper endorsements
    5. Any questions, please contact the Village at (815) 827-3309
      Special Event Application 9-6-22 (531 downloads )