Village Departments

Maple Park Administration

Village Administrator: Cheryl Aldridge
Office Phone: (815) 827-3309

The Administrator serves as the Chief Administrative Officer for the daily operation of the Village and reports directly to the Village Board of Trustees. This is a full-time, salaried position appointed by the Village President with the advice and consent of the Village Board. He/she serves the Board in the development and implementation of its legislative policies. He/she manages and provides leadership to full-time, part-time and 10-99 employees.

The Administrator shall manage, analyze, direct, supervise, evaluate, be responsible for and coordinate all departments, divisions, and services of Village government and of all officers and employees thereof which are under the control and jurisdiction of the Village President and Board as provided by law, and to make recommendations respecting the same to the Board.


Village Clerk / FOIA Officer: Village Clerk
Office Phone: (815) 827-3309

This Department oversees the daily administration of Maple Park’s operations. The Village Clerk is responsible for the preparation and retention of official Village records, including Village Board minutes, ordinances, resolutions, agreements, contracts, leases, bonds, deeds, easements, permits and petitions and payroll. The Clerk facilitates agenda preparation and distribution for Village Board and Committee meetings, and maintains the Maple Park Municipal Code. In addition, the Clerk records various documents with the County Recorder, including annexations, annexation agreements, easements, and plat vacations, and files the budget document and tax levy ordinance with the County Clerk.

Maple Park Police Department

Police Chief:  Randy Endean

Police Sgt:  Karen Clifton



Non-Emergency:  (630) 232-8400

Administrative Telephone: (815) 827-3286

The Police Department’s mission is to serve and protect all citizens of Maple Park; to preserve the life and property of its residents; to enforce the Village’s laws and ordinances; and to protect the rights of all individuals to live in a peaceful and safe community.

Maple Park Department of Public Works

Village Public Works Director: Scot Johnson
Phone: (815) 693-2778

The Department of Public Works is responsible for the oversight of all Village facilities and infrastructure. This includes street patching, snow removal, mowing and trimming, general building repairs, meter reading and replacement, and vehicle maintenance. The Department coordinates all street closures and related activities in the event of an emergency and for local events such as the annual Fun Fest.

Maple Park Finance

Village Treasurer: Shannon Warford
Office Phone: (815) 827-3309

The Department completes all financial accounting for the Village including budget administration, audit, treasury management, debt service payments, fiscal regulatory compliance, fine collections, construction permits and utility billing.

Building Inspector

Building Inspector:  Lou Larson
Phone:  (815) 827-3309
Cell Phone:  (815) 901-4980

All permit applications and permits are available on the Forms, Info and Applications Page and at the Village Office.

Zoning Official

Lou Larson
Village of Maple Park
(815) 827-3309

Basic zoning information can be received by calling (815) 827-3309 or email at