A public hearing before the Planning and Zoning Commission of the Village of Maple Park, Kane and DeKalb Counties, Illinois, will be held on March 6, 2024, at 7:00 p.m., at 302 Willow Street to consider the following text amendment to:
Title 11, Zoning Regulations regarding trailer, recreational vehicle, or other similar vehicle parking. Current code in 11-2-3F1 states “Not more than one trailer, recreational vehicle, or other similar vehicle shall be parked on any one lot”.
The Planning and Zoning Commission will review title 11-2-3F1 to consider whether more than one trailer, recreational vehicle, or other similar vehicle would be permitted to be parked on any one lot.
Information regarding the proposed text amendment can be obtained by contacting the Village Clerk’s Office at (815) 827-3309.
To submit questions or comments during the Public Comment portion of the meeting, please submit your questions prior to the start of the meeting to and your questions and/or comments will be read during the meeting and addressed, if appropriate, at that time.
Village Clerk
Village of Maple Park, Illinois
To be published in the Daily Chronicle 02/14/24