Fall Clean Up Reminders – Last Call For Leaves

picture of leaves

Leaves that are in storm drains can cause problems for your house and many others.  Make sure to keep storm drains and streets clear of leaves.  If leaves remain in the storm drains, this can cause street or potentially home flooding.  This could also cause hydro-planing while driving.

Waste Management will be picking up yard waste for the last week on November 27th.  All yard waste must be placed at the curb for collection no later than 7:00 a.m. on your scheduled waste pickup day for collection.  Yard waste must be in biodegradable Kraft paper bags or rigid sided containers with handles specifically labeled “Yard Waste”.  The containers cannot exceed 32-gallons in size and 50 pounds.  Twigs and branches can be bundled with biodegradable twine or string in four foot long by two foot diameter bundles, tied and left at the curb for pick-up.  Branches must be less than three inches in diameter.

Picture of Trash Can with Leaves in It