2025 Resolutions:
- Resolution 2025-01 Adopting Kane County Natural Hazard Mitigation Plan
- Resolution 2025-02 Authorizing IEMMA Mutual Aid Agreement
- Resolution 2025-03 Naming of Beau Miller Playground
- Resolution 2025-04 DeKalb County All Hazards Mitigation Plan
- Resolution 2025-05 Surplus Property
- Resolution 2025-06 IPWMAN Agreement
2024 Resolutions:
- Resolution 2024-01 Body Worn Camera Grant Agreement
- Resolution 2024-02 Waste Management Amendment #2
- Resolution 2024-03 CDBG Grant Application
- Resolution 2024-04 Postage Meter Lease Agreement
- Resolution 2024-05 IGA for Kanecomm Eqiupment on Water Tower
- Resolution 2024-06 IGA for Records Management Software with Kanecomm
- Resolution 2024-07 2024 Paving Project CDBG Agreement
- Resolution 2024-08 Kane County Animal Control
- Resolution 2024-09 Future Link New Tower Lease
- Resolution 2024-10 2025 Meeting Dates
2023 Resolutions:
- Resolution-2023-02-Kane-County-CDF-Application-010323.pdf (1161 downloads )
- Resolution-2023-03-Honorary-Bill-Olsen-Way.pdf (1209 downloads )
- Resolution-2023-04-Lauterbach-Amen-Engagement-Letter.pdf (704 downloads )
- Resolution-2023-05-Village-Administrator-Agreement.pdf (734 downloads )
- Resolution-2023-06-Memo-of-Understanding-with-DeKalb-ESDA.pdf (1488 downloads )
- Resolution-2023-07-HVAC-Vendors.pdf (946 downloads )
- Resolution-2023-08-Future-Link-Lease.pdf (824 downloads )
- Resolution-2023-09-Temporary-Closure-of-a-Village-Street-for-an-Event-1.pdf (1699 downloads )
- Resolution-2023-10-Temporary-Closure-of-a-Village-Street-for-an-Event-3.pdf (1400 downloads )
- Resolution-2023-11-Temporary-Closure-of-a-Village-Street-for-a-Memorial-Celebration.pdf (1414 downloads )
- Resolution-2023-12-Authorizing-Village-President-to-enter-into-a-Grant-Agreement.pdf (1251 downloads )
- Resolution-2023-13-LOCiS-Renewal.pdf (624 downloads )
- Resolution-2023-14-Accepting-Grant-20K-Dekalb-County-Foundation.pdf (675 downloads )
- Resolution-2023-15-Approving-a-quote-from-Lenslock-and-the-ratifying-of-Chief-David-Krulls-Signature.pdf (1142 downloads )
- Resolution-2023-16-Auth.-the-Village-President-to-sign-loan-docs-for-HVAC-System.pdf (784 downloads )
- Resolution-2023-17-Auth.-the-Village-President-to-establish-a-Citizens-Advisory-Commission.pdf (942 downloads )
- Resolution-2023-18-Authorizing-Village-President-to-enter-into-a-Grant-Agreement.pdf (701 downloads )
- Resolution-2023-19-Autoorizing-Village-President-to-execute-an-amendment-to-WM-Agreement.pdf (689 downloads )
- Resolution-2023-20-Authorizing-the-Village-President-to-executive-a-5-yr-lease-with-MP-Public-Library.pdf (614 downloads )
- Resolution-2023-22-Establishing-Dates-and-Times-for-2024-VB-and-COW-Meetings.pdf (1011 downloads )
- Resolution-2023-23-Authorizing-the-Installation-of-Honorary-Street-Name-Designation-for-the-Kahls.pdf (908 downloads )
- Resolution-2023-24-Authorizing-the-Village-President-or-designee-to-approve-an-extension-of-engineering-services-agreement-with-Lintech.pdf (943 downloads )
2022 Resolutions:
- Resolution 2022-01 Ross Dueringer Street name designation
- Resolution 2022-02 letter of engagement Robert Baird
- Resolution 2022-03 Appointing Acting Village Clerk
- Resolution 2022-04 Mid-West Truckers Assoc Agreement (943 downloads )
- Resolution 2022-05 Supporting Tax Increment Financing
- Resolution 2022-06 Destruction of Closed Audio Recordings
- Resolution 2022-07 Lauterbach & Amen Agreement-Audit
- Resolution 2022-08 Lintech Engineering Resolution and Agreement
- Resolution 2022-09 MGD Water Solutions Res & Agreement
- Resolution 2022-10 MissionSquare Agreement-Money Purchase Plan
- Resolution 2022-11 T-Mobile Wireless Phone Agreement (621 downloads )
- Resolution 2022-12 First Midwest Wealth Management (951 downloads )
- Resolution 2022-13 Sponsorship Team Banner (868 downloads )
- Resolution 2022-14 Blackboard Connect Agreement (1024 downloads )
- Resolution 2022-15 Low-Cost Electricity Providor Village Accounts (1240 downloads )
- Resolution 2022-16 Awarding the Televising Bid Needs Agreement (1392 downloads )
- Resolution 2022-17 Temp Closure of Village Street for Block Party (1385 downloads )
- Resolution 2022-18 Summer in the Stix Street Closure (1146 downloads )
- Resolution 2022-19 Approving the Temp Closure of a Village Street for Memorial Day Parade (1540 downloads )
- Resolution 2022-20 Special Events Application (Approved by Motion) (875 downloads )
- Resolution 2022-21 Kane County Animal Control Agreement (831 downloads )
- Resolution 2022-22 Fun Fest Special Event Permit (970 downloads )
- Resolution 2022-23 First Responders Appreciation Day Special Event Permit (1106 downloads )
- Resolution 2022-24 ABD Cycle Club Bike Event Special Event Permit (1364 downloads )
- Resolution 2022-25 GovTemps Agreement for Temp to Hire Village Administrator (1419 downloads )
- Resolution 2022-26 NITAB Agreement (912 downloads )
- Resolution 2022-27 Adopting an Online Social Media Policy (998 downloads )
- Resolution 2022-28 Destruction of Closed Session Meeting Recordings (1159 downloads )
- Resolution 2022-29 Authorizing the Village President to Sign the GovTemps Agreement (1062 downloads )
- Resolution 2022-30 Approval to Incur TIF Eligible Costs (1392 downloads )
- Resolution-2022-31-Revised-Special-Events-Application.pdf (1131 downloads )
- Resolution 2022-32 Surplus Property (917 downloads )
- Resolution-2022-33-ComEd-Settlement-Resolution.pdf (809 downloads )
- Resolution 2022-34 Establishing the Dates and Times of the 2023 Meetings (1987 downloads )
- Resolution 2022-35 Civic Plus Municode Agreement (1089 downloads )
- Resolution-2022-36-Foster-Buick-Agreement.pdf (779 downloads )
- Resolution 2022-37 – NOT USED
- Resolution 2022-38 Approval to Execute Annexation Agreement Atten (1223 downloads )
- Resolution 2022-39 – NOT USED
2021 Resolutions:
- Resolution 2021-01 Establishing Dates and Times for 2021 Meetings
- Resolution 2021-02 Accepting DCCF Grant Award
- Resolution 2021-03 MOU DeKalb ESDA Agreement
- Resolution 2021-03 MOU DeKalb ESDA Resolution 2021-04 TIF Expenditure WWTF Appraisal
- Resolution 2021-05 Water Well Solutions Expenditure
- Resolution 2021-06 Revised TIF District Policy
- Resolution 2021-07 Establishing Honorary Street Name Designation Policy
- Resolution 2021-08 Authorizing Installation of Honorary Street Name Designation Kathleen Curtis Way
- Resolution 2021-09 Authorizing Temporary Use of Public Sidewalk Main Pleasant Streets
- Resolution 2021-10 Authorizing approval of Electricity Provider
- Resolution 2021-11 Designating FOIA Officer
- Resolution 2021-12 Appointing Catherine Miller as Village Clerk
- Resolution 2021-13 Approving to Close a Village Road for the Homecoming Parade
- Resolution 2021-14 Resolution Approving the Temp Closure of a Village Street for Fun Fest
- Resolution 2021-15 Authorizing the Sale of Surplus Real Estate 110 Summer Street
- Resolution 2021-16 Approving the Temporary Closure of a Village Street for Fall in the Stix Failed No Vote
- Resolution 2021-17 Designating the Village Pres and Village Admin as the contact person for NEU and ARPA
- Resolution 2021-18 Approving the Temporary Closure of Village Streets for Fall in the Stix Fest
- Resolution 2021-19 Authorizing the Blackboard Agreement
- Resolution 2021-20 Designating FOIA Officer
- Resolution 2021-21 Authorizing an Agreement with GOVTEMPSUSA to hire a Temp-to-Hire Village Clerk
- Resolution 2021-22 Sale of 110 Summer Street
- Resolution 2021-23 Authorizing Well #5 with Water Well Solutions Illinois, LLC
- Resolution 2021-24 Authorizing agreement with Peloton Inc
- Resolution 2021-25 Establishing Dates and Times for 2022 Meetings
- Resolution 2021-26 Authorizing Registered Municipal Advisor
- Resolution 2021-27 Authorizing Bond Counsel
2020 Resolutions:
- Resolution 2020-01 Impact Networking Agreement (1339 downloads )
- Resolution 2020-03 Appt of Village Clerk D'Amato (1914 downloads )
- Resolution 2020-02 Amending Resolution 2019-2 (1581 downloads )
- Resolution 2020-04 Disposal of Surplus Property (1527 downloads )
- Resolution 2020-05 Bailment Agreement BMO Harris (1452 downloads )
- Resolution 2020-06 Hack Service Plus Agreement (1539 downloads )
- Resolution 2020-07 Ratifying Submission of Grants and Loans (2159 downloads )
- Resolution 2020-08 Supporting the Extension of the Stay at Home Order and Adopting (31488 downloads )
- Resolution 2020-09 Temporary Closure of Village Streets (1700 downloads )
- Resolution 2020-10 Electrical Aggregation (1495 downloads )
- Resolution 2020-11 Riverboat Grant Award (0 downloads )
- Resolution 2020-12 Blackboard Connect Agreement (0 downloads )
- Resolution 2020-13 American Legal Publishing Agreement (0 downloads )
- Resolution 2020-14 Grand Victoria Riverboat Grantee (0 downloads )
- Resolution 2020-15 GovTemps Contract Extension (1501 downloads )
- Resolution 2020-16 Village Administrator Employment Agreement (1680 downloads )
- Resolution 2020-17 TIF District Policy (1431 downloads )
- Resolution 2020-18 Municipal Advisor (1302 downloads )
- Resolution 2020-19 Wastewater Service Agreement (1578 downloads )
- Resolution 2020-20 Extending the Temporary Closure of Village Streets (2031 downloads )
- Resolution 2020-21 Local Coronavirus Urgent Remediation (CURE Program) (993 downloads )
- Resolution 2020-22 Extending the Temporary Closure of Village Streets (2098 downloads )
- Resolution 2020-23 Agreement with Foster & Buick for Legal Services (1712 downloads )
- Resolution 2020-24 Lintech Engineering Agreement (1764 downloads )
- Resolution 2020-25 IGA Coronavirus Kane County (1061 downloads )
- Resolution 2020-26 HR Green RRA ERP (1010 downloads )
- Resolution 2020-27 Revised TIF District Policy (1533 downloads )
2019 Resolutions:
- Resolution 2019-01 Amending the Sexual Harassment Policy (1756 downloads )
- Resolution 2019-02 Hach Service Plus (1598 downloads )
- Resolution 2019-03 IDOR Reciprocal Agreement (1806 downloads )
- Resolution-2019-04-Destruction-of-Closed-Session-Audio-Recordings.pdf (1487 downloads )
- Resolution 2019-05 Lauterbach & Amen Agreement (Audit) (1567 downloads )
- Resolution 2019-06 Mediacom Agreement (Internet) (1548 downloads )
- Resolution 2019-07 Repeal Police On Call Policy (1380 downloads )
- Resolution 2019-08 Electric Aggregation (Village-Accounts) (1605 downloads )
- Resolution 2019-09 Repeal of Administrative Policy 07 (1360 downloads )
- Resolution 2019-10 MIT Info Sharing Agreement (IDOR) (1500 downloads )
- Resolution 2019-11 RECON Utility Service Agreement (1556 downloads )
- Resolution 2019-12 Lease-Agreement Fahnestock NOT YET SIGNED (1455 downloads )
- Resolution 2019-13 Destruction of Closed Session Audio Recordings (1689 downloads )
- Resolution 2019-14 GovTemps Agreement (1559 downloads )
- Resolution 2019-15 Loan Documents - Police Vehicle (1756 downloads )
- Resolution 2019-16 MFT Street Project Center Street (1797 downloads )
- Resolution 2019-17 Blackboard Connect Agreement (1338 downloads )
- Resolution 2019-18 USIC Agreement (Utility Locating) (1336 downloads )
- Resolution 2019-19 Amended GovTemps Agreement (1573 downloads )
- Resolution 2019-20 Intergovernmental Agreement Kane Co-GIS (1321 downloads )
- Resolution 2019-21 Purchase of Dump Truck-Salt Spredder (Waive Bidding Requirements) (1992 downloads )
- Resolution 2019-22 Lintech-Engineering Agreement (1532 downloads )
- Resolution 2019-23 Dixon Engineering Agreement-Water Tank Inspection (1673 downloads )
- Resolution 2019-24 2019 MFT Center St Paving Project (1316 downloads )
- Resolution 2019-25 2019 Storm Sewer Project Center St (1273 downloads )
- Resolution 2019-26 Hanna Surveyors HH-I Detention Pond Survey (1683 downloads )
- Resolution 2019-27 Advisory Referendum Cannabis (1217 downloads )
- Resolution 2019-28 Emergency Disaster Preparedness Plan (1548 downloads )
- Resolution-2019-29-Temp-Street-Closure-Lodi.pdf (1279 downloads )
- Resolution-2019-30-2020-Meeting-Dates.pdf (1252 downloads )
- Resolution-2019-31-Appt-of-Acting-Clerk.pdf (1313 downloads )
2018 Resolutions:
- Resolution 2018-01 Authorizing Application for Wayside Horns (2047 downloads )
- Resolution 2018-02 Engineering RFP Approval (1804 downloads )
- Resolution 2018-03 Destruction of Closed Session Audio Recordings (1607 downloads )
- Resolution 2018-04 Partial Acceptance of Squires Crossing (1845 downloads )
- Resolution 2018-05 Hach Service Plus (3207 downloads )
- Resolution 2018-06 Sales Tax Reciprocal Agreement (3923 downloads )
- Resolution 2018-07 Facilities Rental Room-6 Lease (1682 downloads )
- Resolution 2018-08 NIU Strategic Plan Agreement (2712 downloads )
- Resolution 2018-09 NOT APPROVED
- Resolution 2018-10 Kane Co Development Funds Grant (8102 downloads )
- Resolution 2018-11 Cortland Township Road District Agreement (8317 downloads )
- Resolution 2018-12 Blackboard Connect (13164 downloads )
- Resolution 2018-13 Animal Control (4094 downloads )
- Resolution 2018-14 Refuse Contract (1742 downloads )
- Resolution 2018-15 Destruction of Closed Session Audio Recordings (1644 downloads )
- Resolution 2018-16 Future Link Water Tower Lease (1884 downloads )
- Resolution 2018-17 IL State Police Forensic Services Agreement (2109 downloads )
- Resolution 2018-18 NOT USED
- Resolution 2018-19 Foster-Buick Agreement (1375 downloads )
- Resolution 2018-20 Dates/Times of 2019 Meetings (1511 downloads )
- Resolution 2018-21 Lintech Engineering Agreement (1632 downloads )
- Resolution 2018-22 NOT USED
- Resolution 2018-23 Approval of Temporary Street Closure (1632 downloads )
2017 Resolutions:
- Resolution 2017-01 RMB Agreement (REO Funding) (2369 downloads )
- Resolution 2017-02 Local Sales Tax Info Sharing (2106 downloads )
- Resolution 2017-03 Postage Meter Agreement (1952 downloads )
- Resolution 2017-04 911 Services Agreement (2234 downloads )
- Resolution 2017-05 Kane County Animal Control Agreement (2144 downloads )
- Resolution 2017-06 Amending Committee Mtg Dates (2188 downloads )
- Resolution 2017-07 Partial Acceptance of Squires Crossing (2436 downloads )
- Resolution 2017-08 Risk Management Agreement (2076 downloads )
- Resolution 2017-09 Destruction of Audio Recordings of Closed Session Minutes (2326 downloads )
- Resolution 2017-10 Library Lease (1831 downloads )
- Resolution 2017-11 Interim Police Chief Agreement (7263 downloads )
- Resolution 2017-12 Approval of Wayside Horns Investigation (47031 downloads )
- Resolution 2017-13 First Midwest Bank - 3rd Party Custodial Agreement (4177 downloads )
- Resolution 2017-14 Old Second Bank Master Treasury Management Agreement (3340 downloads )
- Resolution 2017-15 Execution of Loan Documents for a New Police Vehicle (4903 downloads )
- Resolution 2017-16 Future Link Lease (3512 downloads )
- Resolution 2017-17 Impact Networking Maint Agreement (copier) (3155 downloads )
- Resolution 2017-18 2018 Meeting Dates and Times (3210 downloads )
- Resolution 2017-19 Referendum Question (Non-Home Rule 1% Sales Tax) (3301 downloads )
2016 Resolutions:
- Resolution 2016-01 Accepting Phases I II & III of Heritage Hills Subdivision (3503 downloads )
- Resolution 2016-02 Animal Control (2363 downloads )
- Resolution 2016-03 Destruction of Closed Session Audio Recordings (2639 downloads )
- Resolution 2016-04 ICMA Restatement of Agreement (2623 downloads )
- Resolution 2016-05 Sharing of Sales Tax Information (2679 downloads )
- Resolution 2016-06 Foster Buick Agreement (2686 downloads )
- Resolution 2016-07 Low Cost Electricity Provider for Village Accounts (2887 downloads )
- Resolution 2016-08 Support of FRA Crew Size Rule (2696 downloads )
- Resolution 2016-09 Krueger & Associates (2438 downloads )
- Resolution 2016-10 MGD Water Solutions (2361 downloads )
- Resolution 2016-11 Library Lease (2259 downloads )
- Resolution 2016-12 2017 Meeting Dates & Times (2028 downloads )
2015 Resolutions:
- Resolution-2015-01-Meeting-Dates.pdf (2531 downloads )
- Resolution-2015-02-Kane-County-Animal-Control.pdf (2460 downloads )
- Resolution-2015-03-Destruction-of-Closed-Session-Audio-Recordings.pdf (2367 downloads )
- Resolution-2015-04-IDOR-Executed-Agreement.pdf (2384 downloads )
- Resolution-2015-05-Protect-Full-Funding-of-LGDF.pdf (2567 downloads )
- Resolution 2015-06 Civic Center Tuckpointing Project (2476 downloads )
- Resolution 2015-07 Acceptance of Certain Improvements in HHE III 9-1-15 (81764 downloads )
- Resolution 2015-08 Destruction of Closed Session Audio Recordings (2647 downloads )
- Resolution 2015-09 Lintech Engineering Agreement (2589 downloads )
- Resolution 2015-10 CMJ Technologies Agreement (2417 downloads )
- Resolution 2015-11 Library Lease (2190 downloads )
- Resolution 2015-12 2016 Meeting Dates (2299 downloads )
- Resolution 2015-13 Lintech Engineering Agreement (4471 downloads )